Finding Filipinos: International Businesses Want Pinoys on Their Online Team  

Alexandra Jane Fojas-Sarabia, CEO/Director Bisdak GetItDone Virtual Assistance Services

Bisdak GetItDone Virtual Assistance Services Before the online digital boom, Filipinos had been circling the globe in different capacities. They keep looking for greener grass and making their mark where they can. We’re lauded worldwide as capable and dependable nurses, entrepreneurs, helpers, clerks, and tradesmen, giving rise to the ‘hero’ OFW, aka the Overseas Filipino … Read more

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Liveaman: a collaborative approach to innovation 

liveaman's team

Why can’t corporate benefits be purchased as easily as ordering an Uber or Grab? That question led to the establishment of (Aman) in 2021. Aman is a platform where companies of all sizes can search, purchase, and administer their benefits seamlessly. By applying the Liveaman approach to innovation, Aman aims to revolutionize the benefits … Read more

Categories Business

Close More Deals: Increase Revenue and Profits

Closing deals is the ultimate goal of every salesperson and business. The final step of the sales process converts prospects into customers and generates revenue and profits for the business.

Categories Leadership

The Art of Decision-Making: Strategies for Making Sound and Effective Choices as a Leader

In the realm of leadership, decision-making plays a pivotal role in shaping the direction and outcomes of organizations. The ability to make sound and effective decisions is a hallmark of a successful leader. In this blog, we will explore the art of decision-making and delve into strategies that can help leaders make informed and impactful … Read more

Categories Leadership

Leading with Courage: Taking Risks and Embracing Vulnerability as a Leader

Leadership is not just about making decisions and giving orders. It’s also about taking risks and embracing vulnerability. Leading with courage means being willing to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. It means being willing to be vulnerable and open to feedback. It means being willing to confront reality head-on and say what … Read more

Competitive Advantage in the Service Industry: Strategies for Success

The service industry is becoming increasingly competitive, and companies that want to succeed need to develop strategies for gaining a competitive advantage. By focusing on customer service, innovation, and efficiency, companies can gain a competitive edge and succeed in the service industry. Customer Service Customer service is one of the most important factors in gaining … Read more