Bhavik Thakkar’s Journey from Technology Enthusiast to Entrepreneur

Bhavik Thakkar CEO- TechExtensor Pvt. Ltd.

As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that the journey requires passion, perseverance, and a commitment to growth. It’s a journey as an entrepreneur that takes you through highs and lows, challenges and opportunities, and ultimately shapes you into the person you become. In this blog post, I’ll take you through my journey as an entrepreneur and … Read more

A Personal Melody of Triumph: My Entrepreneurial Journey as Helen Lin

Helen Lin, Director Helen Lin Piano PTE LTD

Starting a business is frequently an indication of enthusiasm, tenacity, and inventiveness. I’m Helen Lin, the founder of Helen Lin Piano Pte Ltd., and I’m here to tell you about my entrepreneurial journey. It is a symphony of intercultural encounters, creative inspiration, and steadfast commitment to the music and business industries. Background and Inspiration Born … Read more

Categories Innovation

From Cabin Crew to Sky Safety Innovator: The Entrepreneurial Journey of Eresha Technology Innovators

Pragati Srivastava CEO of Eresha Technology Innovators

A Dream Ignited at 19 The seeds of my entrepreneurial journey were sown in 2006 when I was just 19 years old.  Surprisingly, I only truly recognized this fact recently. Like most high school students, I grappled with the age-old question of what career path to pursue. My interests spanned various fields, from company secretary … Read more