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From Cabin Crew to Sky Safety Innovator: The Entrepreneurial Journey of Eresha Technology Innovators

A Dream Ignited at 19

The seeds of my entrepreneurial journey were sown in 2006 when I was just 19 years old.  Surprisingly, I only truly recognized this fact recently. Like most high school students, I grappled with the age-old question of what career path to pursue. My interests spanned various fields, from company secretary (CS) to fashion design and mass communication. As  I was contemplating these options, I stumbled upon a captivating newspaper advertisement from an institute that promised to help me become an Air Hostess. It was an opportunity beyond my wildest dreams. 

I had always been aware of society’s narrow beauty standards, and as a dusky girl, I felt the need to challenge those norms. I had also, unfortunately, experienced the harsh reality of racism in our society. Enrolling in the institute felt like a daring move, and by 2007, I found myself in the training room of Air Deccan, ready to embark on a career as an Air Hostess. 

Fast forward to 2009, and I was living the dream with Kingfisher Airlines, the ultimate status symbol for aviation enthusiasts and passengers alike. My final flight as a cabin crew was with Indigo Airlines in 2020. 

The Challenges of Being a Cabin Crew Member

The aviation industry had captivated me since childhood when I first flew with Air Sahara.  Now, it was not just an industry I admired from a distance but my workspace, albeit one I  couldn’t truly take pride in for the longest time. Upon entering the world of Cabin Crew, I  realized that I didn’t quite fit in. To make matters more challenging, there were numerous biases within the industry about the role of Cabin Crew. People assumed that those in this role lacked the intelligence to pursue other careers, which made me uncomfortable. As an above-average student who had faced several rejections before finally earning my wings, I  felt the need to change this perception. 

Another challenge was the unrealistic expectations, especially for female crew members.  Balancing the airline’s standards with the role’s approachability to passengers was a  constant struggle. The smart heels we were required to wear became a painful ordeal during long, grueling shifts. Hearing passengers refer to Cabin Crew as “glorified waitresses” was a bitter pill to swallow. 

Moving Beyond the Aviation Industry

These challenges kept me uncomfortable for almost five years, after which I made the difficult decision to quit flying and further my studies. Four years later, I found myself in a  familiar place, both professionally and personally. I had no job, no savings, and a  tumultuous personal life. I longed for the good old days but knew it was too late to return to my former position. Accepting that, at 28, I would have to start all over again was a  nightmare in itself. 

Then, a miracle occurred. Indigo Airlines announced its new fleet of ATR aircraft and needed an experienced crew to lead their flights. Here, my work gap was not a deterrent but rather an asset. I was rehired by Indigo in the same position I had left. Back in action, I felt fulfilled and content. It was the turning point when I began to respect and take pride in my profession.

Discovering My Calling

I realized that merely complaining about problems doesn’t serve anyone; one must be a  problem solver. This realization inspired me to venture into entrepreneurship. I wanted to utilize my skills and experience to create a training methodology that addressed the lack of practical training for cabin crew members. I firmly believed that training for flight safety needed to be conducted in realistic conditions repeatedly, enabling the crew to build confidence and improve their recall memory when facing an in-flight crisis with hundreds of lives at stake. 

Introducing Eresha Technology Innovators

Enter our company, Eresha Technology Innovators. We specialize in designing and developing flight safety simulators that provide pilots, cabin crew, engineers, and others with training experiences closely resembling real-life emergency situations. Our pioneering simulator significantly reduces training time, cost, and the carbon footprint of airlines, all while enhancing crew performance and, most importantly, flight safety. 

At Eresha Technology Innovators, we don’t just make technology; we make people smarter and the skies safer.