What Do Investors Look for in a Start UPS And It’s Founders

Rasik Thakker, CEO & Investor Dynamic Trading LLC & Beyon Luxury Investments

Introduction When investors in startups and founders are considering an investment opportunity, there are some basic points that they look at before making a decision. Passion and Integrity No matter how good a concept or an idea is, unless an Investor is convinced of the passion and integrity of the founder/s, the investor would be … Read more

Luxury as an Asset Class

Patrick Gruhn, CEO at Veltracon Lifestyle AG

Luxury has long held a compelling allure and has recently emerged as an appealingalternative investment. While the concept of investing in the luxury sector is not novel, thelast decade has witnessed the emergence of investment funds and firms with a focus onluxury, many of which have outperformed traditional portfolio components such as stocksand bonds. However, … Read more