Staying Chic in the Digital Age: How Fashion Designers Embrace and Adapt to Technological Advances

Technology has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, from the way we communicate, work, learn, and entertain ourselves. But how has it affected the world of fashion design, where creativity, craftsmanship, and personal expression are paramount? In this article, we will explore how fashion designers are using technology to enhance their creative process, connect with their customers, and promote their creations. We will also look at some of the challenges and opportunities that technology brings to the fashion industry, as well as the future prospects of fashion tech.

A Conversation with a Renowned Fashion Designer

Marlon Tuazon, Fashion Designer

To gain insights into the relationship between fashion and technology, we interviewed one of the most celebrated fashion designers in the Philippines, who has won numerous awards and accolades for his work.

The name isMarlon TuazonHe is known for his innovative use of local fabrics, especially pinya, which he transforms into stunning ternos that showcase the beauty and elegance of Philippine culture. He has also dressed some of the country’s top personalities and celebrities, from politicians to showbiz royalties and beauty queens. He shared with us his role in the industry, his accomplishments, his views on technology, and his vision for the future.

The name isMarlon TuazonHe is known for his innovative use of local fabrics, especially pinya, which he transforms into stunning ternos that showcase the beauty and elegance of Philippine culture. He has also dressed some of the country’s top personalities and celebrities, from politicians to showbiz royalties and beauty queens. He shared with us his role in the industry, his accomplishments, his views on technology, and his vision for the future.

Role and Accomplishments

Marlon Tuazon is a proud Capampangan who pioneered the renaissance of the Philippine Terno and made them wearable among the Filipino youth of today. He won the Double Gold during the first TernoCon held in 2018, which remains unparalleled to this day.

Marlon has also had some of his work exhibited in the Philippine Consulate General in New York City back in 2021, and more recently, as one of the selected designers featured in Rampa Manila, during the capital’s 452nd founding anniversary last June. He is fortunate enough to dress our country’s top personalities and celebrities, from politicians to showbiz royalties and beauty queens.

Technology and Creative Process

He believes technology brought more variety, both locally and internationally available fabrics. This can be in terms of colors, prints, and textures that can really stimulate his imagination to create what was once impossible to execute in becoming tangible and wearable. The treatment of the fabrics itself during the manufacturing process also plays a factor in making them malleable.

Technology and Customer Experience

According to him, the use of social media made his brand more accessible to anywhere in the world. However, he also values the human contact, especially in knowing and understanding his clientele’s personal style, in which they will be able to carry his design confidently, to let them wear the clothes and not the other way around.

Technology and Marketing

He admits that Filipinos still have so much regard and fascination for celebrities, so it does help his brand when worn by them, like a subtle endorsement. His brand becomes something inspirational to a wider audience when they post them on their respective social media, influenced by him. It creates a buzz and people reach out to him. He is able to tap certain markets that he never knew existed.

Technology and Innovation

Advancements in technology have led to the emergence of innovative fabrics or materials such as bright neon-colored pinya fabric. He says that this allows him to create designs that are more contemporary and appeals to a younger market. This makes it also versatile in making it wearable as casual clothing, unlike years ago when pinya fabric was associated only with formal wear.

Technology and Sustainability

He asserts that the essence of creating custom-made pieces is the durability of the creation, which is the complete opposite of fast fashion, which, in recent years, has become a problem to the environment. He aims to create classic pieces that are not trendy, hence they become timeless pieces of clothing. So much so that they can be handed down from one generation to the next.

Technology and Fashion Tech

He confesses that he has not incorporated any fashion tech elements into his design yet. Although he thinks it would be nice to create a terno with fine LED strips to illuminate the piping of the dress controlled by a smartphone. But he does not really see his design evolving towards that direction. At least, not yet.

Technology and Challenges

He observes that ironically, the more technology advances, the more he sticks to traditional handmade custom designs. It is the human element in every clothing that makes it quite special and unique.

Technology and Future

He envisions that as far as the Philippine fashion scene is concerned, he thinks they are light years behind incorporating technology and fashion in their designs. And in the hopes of preserving their heritage in terms of style and design, he thinks they can draw strength in the ingenuity behind their handmade clothing, be it in weaving, in embroidery, in sewing or in a combination of such, that makes Philippine fashion stand out in the global stage.