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Start Having a Loyal and Engaged Community Around Your Business

Having a loyal and engaged community around your business is one of the best ways to grow your brand, increase sales, and create loyal customers. A community is more than just a group of people who buy your products or services. It is a group of people who share your values, vision, and mission. 

They support you, advocate for you, and provide you with feedback and insights. They are your fans, ambassadors, and partners. However, building a loyal and engaged community around your business takes work. It takes time, effort, and strategy. 

You need to provide value, create trust, and foster relationships. You need to listen, communicate, and collaborate. It would help if you were authentic, consistent, and transparent. 

Define Your Community Purpose and Goals

The first step to start having a loyal and engaged community around your business is to define your community purpose and goals. Why do you want to build a community? What do you want to achieve with it? How will it benefit your business and your customers? 

Your community purpose and goals should align with your business vision and values. For example, your community purpose could be to educate your customers about your industry or product. Your community goal could be increasing customer retention by 20% next year.

Identify Your Target Audience

The second step to start having a loyal and engaged community around your business is to identify your target audience. Who are the people who are most likely to be interested in your business and your community? What are their demographics, psychographics, behaviors, needs, pain points, and preferences?

 You can use various methods and sources to identify your target audiences, such as market research, customer feedback, buyer personas, or segmentation. It would be best if you aimed to understand your target audience’s motivations, challenges, and goals.

Choose Your Community Platform and Format

The third step to starting having a loyal and engaged community around your business is to choose your community platform and format. Where will you host your community? How will you communicate with your community members? What type of content will you create and share with them? 

You should choose your community platform and format based on your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and stages in the customer journey. You should also consider your budget, resources, and objectives.

There are different types of platforms and formats that you can use to build your community, such as:

  • Social media platforms: These platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, allow you to create groups or pages where you can interact with your community members through posts, comments, likes, shares, and more.
  • Online forums: These platforms, such as Reddit, Quora, or Stack Exchange, allow you to create threads or topics to discuss and answer questions about your business or industry.
  • Online communities: These are platforms such as Slack, Discord, or Mighty Networks that allow you to create dedicated spaces where you can chat, share, and collaborate with your community members in real-time.
  • Email newsletters: These are platforms such as Mailchimp, Substack, or ConvertKit that allow you to send regular emails to your community members with valuable content, updates, and offers.
  • Blogs: These are platforms such as WordPress, Medium, or Ghost that allow you to create and publish articles, stories, or guides that educate, inform, or entertain your community members.
  • Podcasts: These are platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Anchor that allow you to create and distribute audio content that engages, inspires, or entertains your community members.
  • Webinars: These are platforms such as Zoom, Webex, or GoToWebinar that allow you to host live or recorded online events where you can present, teach, or demonstrate something to your community members.
  • Online courses: These platforms, such as Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare, allow you to create and sell online courses to teach your community members something valuable related to your business or industry.

Create and Share Engaging Content

Creating and sharing engaging content is the fourth step to building a loyal and engaged community around your business. Content is the fuel that drives your community. It is what attracts, educates, and entertains your community members. It is what provides value, creates trust, and fosters relationships. It is what stimulates conversations, feedback, and referrals

  • You need to create and share relevant, useful, and intriguing content with your target audience. 
  • You need to use different content formats, such as text, images, videos, audio, or interactive. 
  • You need to use different content styles, such as informative, inspirational, humorous, or emotional. 
  • You need to use different content topics, such as tips, stories, testimonials, case studies, or trends.
  • You also need to share your content on the right platforms and channels at the right time and frequency. 
  • You need to optimize your content for search engines and social media algorithms.
  • You need to measure and analyze your content performance and impact.

Encourage and Reward Participation

The fifth step to starting to have a loyal and engaged community around your business is encouraging and rewarding participation. Participation is the lifeblood of your community. It is what makes your community active, vibrant, and valuable. It is what builds loyalty, engagement, and advocacy.

  • You must encourage and reward participation by creating a positive and supportive community culture. 
  • You need to set clear and fair community rules and guidelines. 
  • You need to welcome and onboard new community members. You need to ask questions, solicit feedback, and initiate discussions. 
  • You need to acknowledge, appreciate, and celebrate your community members. 
  • You need to provide incentives, recognition, and rewards for your community members.


Having a loyal and engaged community around your business is one of the best ways to grow your brand, increase sales, and create loyal customers. By following these five steps to start having a loyal and engaged community around your business, you can create and nurture a group of people who share your values, vision, and mission. 

Remember that building a loyal and engaged community around your business is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires constant learning, adaptation, and improvement. So keep providing value, creating trust, and fostering relationships with your community members!