Categories Innovation

How to Overcome Resistance and Fear of Change in Innovation

Innovation is creating and implementing new or improved products, services, procedures, or business models that deliver value to customers and stakeholders. Innovation can help businesses gain a competitive edge, increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and generate new revenue streams.

However, innovation also involves change, which can be challenging and uncomfortable. Change can trigger resistance and fear among employees, managers, and customers. Resistance and anxiety can hinder innovation, leading to inertia, complacency, skepticism, or sabotage.

Let’sl explore how to overcome resistance and fear of change in innovation in four steps:

  • Understand the sources and types of resistance and fear
  • Communicate the vision and benefits of change
  • Involve and empower the stakeholders of change
  • Support and reinforce the change

Understand the Sources and Types of Resistance and Fear

The first step to overcoming resistance and fear of change in innovation is to understand where they come from and what they look like. Resistance and fear can have different sources and types, depending on the context and the individual.

Some familiar sources of resistance and fear are:

  • Lack of awareness or understanding of the need for change or the nature of change
  • Lack of trust or confidence in the leaders or agents of change
  • Lack of skills or resources to cope with or adapt to change
  • Loss of control or autonomy over one’s work or environment
  • Loss of status or identity associated with one’s role or function
  • Loss of security or stability in one’s job or career
  • Loss of comfort or familiarity with one’s routines or habits

Some common types of resistance and fear are:

  • Cognitive resistance: This is when people rationalize or justify why the change is unnecessary, undesirable, or unfeasible. They may use logic, facts, or data to support their arguments.
  • Emotional resistance: This is when people express negative feelings or emotions about the change, such as anger, frustration, anxiety, or sadness. They may use words, tone, or body language to convey their feelings.
  • Behavioral resistance: This is when people act in ways that oppose or undermine the change, such as ignoring, avoiding, delaying, or rejecting the change. They may use actions, gestures, or behaviors to demonstrate their resistance.

Listening to and observing the change stakeholders, such as employees, managers, customers, and partners, is essential to understand the sources and types of resistance and fear. It is also important to empathize with their perspectives and experiences and to acknowledge their concerns and emotions.

Communicate the Vision and Benefits of Change

To conquer resistance and fear of change in innovation, the next step is to communicate the vision and benefits of the change. Communication is crucial in raising awareness, promoting understanding, and gaining buy-in for the transformation. Communication encompasses verbal and nonverbal components, including words, tone, body language, eye contact, and gestures.

To communicate the vision and benefits of change effectively, it is essential to:

  • Use clear, concise, and consistent messages that explain the purpose, goals, and process of change
  • Use positive and inspiring language that highlights the opportunities and advantages of change
  • Use data and evidence to support the rationale and feasibility of change
  • Use stories and examples to illustrate the impact and outcomes of change
  • Use multiple channels and formats to reach different audiences and preferences
  • Use feedback mechanisms to ensure understanding and address questions or doubts

Involve and Empower the Stakeholders of Change

To overcome resistance and fear of change, it is crucial to involve stakeholders in innovation. This builds trust, confidence, and ownership of the process. One effective way to achieve this is through participation and delegation, such as seeking input, suggestions, or feedback or assigning roles, responsibilities, or tasks.

To involve and empower the stakeholders of change effectively, it is essential to:

  • Identify and engage the key influencers and champions of change who can motivate and persuade others
  • Create cross-functional teams or groups that can collaborate and co-create solutions
  • Provide training or coaching that can enhance the skills or resources needed for change
  • Provide autonomy or flexibility that can allow for experimentation or adaptation
  • Provide recognition or rewards that can acknowledge the efforts or achievements of change

Support and Reinforce the Change

To effectively address resistance and apprehension towards innovation, it is essential to implement a fourth step which involves providing appropriate support and reinforcement for the proposed change. 

This approach fosters a sense of security, stability, and sustainability. Support and reinforcement can take many forms, such as offering helpful guidance, necessary resources, and incentives or aligning policies, processes, or systems as needed.

 To support and reinforce the change effectively, it is essential to:

  • Provide clear expectations and guidelines that define the scope and standards of change
  • Provide adequate resources and tools that facilitate the implementation and adoption of change
  • Provide regular feedback and monitoring that measure the progress and impact of change
  • Provide incentives or consequences that encourage or discourage certain behaviors or outcomes
  • Align the organizational culture and structure that support or hinder the change


In summary, resistance and fear of change are natural human reactions that can challenge innovation. However, they can be overcome by following four steps:

  • Understanding the sources and types of resistance and fear
  • Communicating the vision and benefits of change
  • Involving and empowering the stakeholders of change
  • Supporting and reinforcing the change

By following these steps, businesses can create a positive and supportive environment where innovation can thrive.